
The risk-calculator on this page predicts the likelihood of an adverse outcome – either residual disease in the bowel wall, metastatic lymphatic disease or later disease recurrence. The risk calculated is based upon the historical data from malignant polyps in Queensland, Australia from 2011-2019.

This data has not been externally validated outside of the Queensland population. 

The outcomes predicted are predictions only and may not reflect the risk of an adverse outcome for future malignant polyps.

This risk-calculator does not replace clinical judgement and only provides a guide for clinicians to describe the risk from a malignant polyp and assist patients in making a decision on a final management strategy. The risk calculator does not advise clinicians or patients on management strategy choice. Management choice is a balance of risks from the malignant polyp and the risks from surgery, and that is a discussion between clinician and patient. 

The authors of this risk-calculator take no responsibility for management decisions made as a result of use of the risk calculator. 


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